Emily Hogan – PhD2
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
2023 CPA Best Article Award (For “Wiens, D., Theule, J., Keates, J., Ward, M., & Yaholkoski, A. (2023). Work–family balance and job satisfaction: An analysis of Canadian psychologist mothers. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 64(2), 154.”)
Psychology Graduate Fellowship
Research Manitoba Award
Sam & Esther Sair Scholarship
Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship
Canadian Psychological Association Educational and School Psychology Section: Student Research Grant
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship
J.G. Fletcher Award
CPA Scientific Affairs Committee Student Research Grant
J.G. Fletcher Award
SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s
J.G. Fletcher Award
Psychology Graduate Fellowship
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (Doctoral)
Women’s Health Research Foundation of Canada Graduate Scholarship
Psychology Graduate Fellowship (2020-2021)
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
Psychology Graduate Fellowship
Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s
Psychology Graduate Fellowship (Declined)
P.E.O Scholar Award
Dean of Graduate Studies Student Achievement Prize
J.G. Fletcher Award
SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s
SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s
J.G. Fletcher Award
St. Johns College Student Association Award
CPA Family Psychology Section Student Poster Award
Elinor Ames Award (For best student presentation in the CPA developmental section)
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Student Research and Knowledge Dissemination Grant
CPA’s Student Research and Knowledge Dissemination Grant
APA 2018 Convention Poster Award – 2nd Place
Certificate of Academic Excellence, Canadian Psychological Association
Susan Wright Bell Award, Study of Developmental Disabilities
University of Manitoba Alumni Association Graduate Fellowship
Michele Fisher Award
John. R. Walker Clinical Research Award
Shannon L. Hamm Memorial Scholarship (For research in behaviour analysis or behaviour modification and good academic standing)
Arthur Chipman Graduate Scholarship
Bernice D. Lough Graduate Bursary (For good academic standing in a Psychology Graduate Program)
Psychology Graduate Fellowship
Manitoba Graduate Scholarship
Mark Lewis Nozick Memorial Scholarship (For high academic standing in Clinical Psychology)
Psychology Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award
The Marion and Morgan Wright Clinical Psychology Award for Clinical Excellence
Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship
Lois M. Brockman Graduate Student Thesis Research Fellowship in the Area of Child Development
Psychology Graduate Student STAR Award
J.G. Fletcher Award
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship
University of Manitoba Psychology Graduate Fund (Declined)
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral
Mark Lewis Nozick Memorial Scholarship (For high academic standing in Clinical Psychology)
Sam & Esther Sair Scholarship
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship – Doctoral (Declined)
Alumni Clinical Psychology Student Research Award
CPA 2016 Convention Best Poster Award
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship
Graduate Students Association Full-Time Masters Award
Susan Wright Bell Award for the Study of Developmental Disabilities
NSERC Graduate Scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
University of Manitoba Psychology Graduate Fund (Declined)
Undergraduate Research Award
Faculty of Arts J. G. Fletcher Award (To provide support for thesis/dissertation research)
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship—Doctoral (Declined)
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship
SSHRC – CGS Master’s Scholarship
Tri-Council Master’s Supplement Award
University of Manitoba Psychology Graduate Fund
Women’s Club of Winnipeg Graduate Scholarship
Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children Academic Scholarship
Social Science and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (Declined)
Canadian Soroptimist Grants for Women
SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship—Master’s (Declined)
Women’s Health Research Foundation of Canada Scholarship
University of Manitoba Psychology Graduate Scholarship
Canadian Psychological Association Award of Excellence
Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters
Psychology Alumni Faculty Scholarship (For excellence in academic standing upon entering graduate study)
Student’s Teacher Recognition Award
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship – Masters (Declined)
W. N. Ten Have Research Award (For top undergraduate honours thesis)
Psychology Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award
Canadian Institute of Health Research Regional Partnership Program Master’s Award
Manitoba Health Research Council Graduate Studentship (Declined)
The Guild Mattie Hanna Scholarship (Guild of Victoria General Hospital)
Psychology Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award