Dana Ronaghan, M.A.

PhD4, Clinical Psychology 

Dana is currently in the Clinical Psychology PhD program. She graduated with her M.A in February 2021, with her dissertation examining the association between marital satisfaction and coparenting quality through meta-analysis. In her current research, Dana aims to explore the association between coparenting quality and family quality of life in families of children with autism spectrum disorder, families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and families of typically developing children. Her research interests include parenting, parent-child attachment, developmental disorders, child and adolescent psychopathology, and family systems.


Karis Cochrane, M.A.

PhD3, Clinical Psychology 

Karis is in her PhD in the Clinical Psychology program. She completed her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology in October 2020. Her Current Dissertation research is focused on exploring family quality of life and parenting stress accross the lifespan, in parents of children 2-18 years of age with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Her overarching research interests include early childhood interventions, developmental disorders, family systems, parenting stress, family quality of life, and early child development.


Emily Hogan, M.A.

PhD1, Clinical Psychology

Emily is currently in the first year of her PhD in Clinical Psychology. She completed her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Manitoba in October 2023. Her dissertation examined the relationships between social support, paternal depressive symptoms, coparenting quality, and parenting stress. In her current research, Emily aims to explore work-family balance among Canadian psychologists. Her overarching research interests include parent mental health, social support, and family systems.

Lara Penner-Goeke, M.A.

PhD1, Clinical Psychology

Lara is a first-year student in the Clinical Psychology PhD program. She completed her M.A. at the University of Manitoba in 2023.  Her thesis project examined the impacts of undiagnosed ADHD on children and their families. Lara has held research positions in the Hearts and Minds Lab at the University of Manitoba and for the Trans Youth Can! project. Her broader research interests include parent-child relationships, ADHD, and evaluating interventions to increase family well-being. 

Cass Ilchena

MA1, School Psychology

Cass is a first-year School Psychology Master’s student in the thesis stream. They completed a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree at the University of Manitoba in June 2023. Their honours thesis looked at teachers’ experience working with vulnerable student populations and their beliefs about student behaviour. Cass’ current research seeks to examine occupational burnout among school psychologists. Their broad research interests include developmental psychopathology, reflective functioning, and issues in professional psychology.


Taryn Gaulke

MA1, School Psychology

Taryn is currently in the first year of her Master’s degree in the School Psychology program. She completed her B.A (Honours) at the University of Manitoba in 2022. Her honours thesis examined maternal depressive symptoms as a predictor of coparenting quality in families of children with ASD and ADHD. In her current research, Taryn will examine how the birth order of a child diagnosed with ASD, ADHD or an intellectual disability impacts parenting stress, family quality of life and coparenting quality. Taryn’s current research interests include family systems, developmental disorders, parent-child relationships, and social-emotional development.  


Jada Benedictson  


Jada is currently in the final year of her B.A. Psychology Honours degree. Her honours thesis is a meta-analysis evaluating the efficacy of Family-Based Treatment for adolescent eating disorders. Jada’s research interests include women’s health, eating disorders, and adolescent psychopathology.
